4 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2020
    1. isConsentGiven()

      So you can store consent for a specific category. But how do you check if they've given consent to a specific category??

    2. storeConsent()

      From https://www.iubenda.com/en/help/18678-cookie-solution-consents-migration:

      Per-category consent

      _iub.cs.api.storeConsent() allows to set purposes too and accepts an optional argument which can be {consent: true}, {consent: false} or {purposes: {1: true, 2: false, …}}. If no argument is specified it acts as if {consent: true} was passed.

      So you can store consent for a specific category. But how do you check if they've given consent to a specific category??

  2. Apr 2020