2 Matching Annotations
- Jun 2021
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
None is thought to have a distinguished prose style or toreflect a concern with the unities and economies of formal con-struction that modern criticism seeks in great works of ar
They lack, perhaps, what Matthiessen called the "organic principle".
n fact, what all of these texts share, from the perspective of mod-ern criticism, is a certain set of defects that excludes them fromthe ranks of the great masterpieces: an absence of finely delineatedcharacters, a lack of verisimilitude in the story line, an excessivereliance on plot, and a certain sensationalism in the events por-trayed.
Basic Question #5: What were common criticisms of popular literature?
- Absence of finely delineated characters
- Lack of verisimilitude
- Excessive reliance on plot
- Certain sensationalism in the events portrayed.