14 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2017
    1. This ability for quick comparison is an affordance of the visual mode, particularly within the particular medium of the printed map.

      The combination of both visual and linguistic elements serves to make articles multilayered, allowing people to dive deeper into any information in the visual area they are interested in via the linguistic section. Thus, they complement each other in transmitting information, one to attract the reader and the other to serve information.

  2. Sep 2017
  3. spring2018.robinwharton.net spring2018.robinwharton.net
    1. All objects signify; some signify more expressively than others.

      All objects have meaning, given through their purpose in being created, or what their active use gives to them. The more interaction it has with people the more human qualities we can attach to it through its change and development, as well as our own changing view on it.

    2. . Speculation leads from the object as a closed system of signs into the world of intertextual relationships concerned not just with what but with how the object signifies. Speculation, moreover, reaches beyond unitary readings to lay stress instead on recognizing the object as a site of contested meanings.

      Speculation acknowledges that an object may have multiple meanings, and must analyze how these meanings came to be, and how they fit together with and arise from the same object, as well as how the meanings overlap.

    3. we do not analyze objects; we analyze our descriptions of objects

      During our first perception of an object the resulting description is what we base the rest of our analysis off of, mixing in our personal descriptions and becoming accustomed to certain words or emotions which we ingrain..

    4. Summary of Supplementary article?

      Article Chose: "What is a Machete, Anyways?" by John Cline

      A machete is often considered a weapon, due to its modern day usage as a weapon in horror and action films, as well as its historical use as a weapon of the poor and those in servitude. However, this was primarily due to its many uses, ease of maintenance and durability leading to its widespread distribution among the poor as a harvesting and agricultural implement, and thus commonality and ease of access when in need of a weapon. However, due to the development of modern agricultural practices, technology, and methodology, the Machete is seeing reduced use, leaving an absence of an applicable substitute for use as an emergency weapon or symbol of the proletariat.

      This ties in to the main article in how the view and nature of an item has shifted over time due to its usage to deviate from its original intended purpose, and how it now carries more meaning than its expected usage.

    5. It works because this process reliably yields awareness of complexity and polyvalent meaning.

      Polyvalent: "Having many different functions, forms, or facets." - Oxford Living Dictionaries

      So what this sentence means is that enterpretive analysis allows users to understand complex, multiparted meanings.

    6. Less concerned than some historians of material culture with the making or makers of such objects, our focus rends to be more on user interface, on the ways emhcdded meanings are actualized through use-matters subject ..ii ways (and invitations always) to controlled speculation.

      In the article "What is a Machete, anyways?" by John Cline, a point is made about how the machete, originally primarily used as an agricultural tool, has over time had its use evolved into a symbol of violence and war, demonstrating this principle of how an object is used and the context in which it appears may provide more insights than the creation or creators of the object itself.

    7. Through care-ful looking, one comes to see an object as significant-as signifying; one comes to possess, to a greater or a lesser degree, a privileged historical knowledge and understanding.

      When analyzing an object, the object already has any data which may be extracted from it already inherent in its state of being, and thus provides more accuracy and validity in its state of being than from external analysis, without any of the biases that may come from alternate sources or viewpoints.

    8. But while you should feel free to choose the extent to which description and deduction are present as such in your final essay at all, that these stages of analysis have been thoroughly performed ought to be discernible in both the kind and quality of internal evidence you marshal in substantiating claims regarding what and how your object signifies.

      Although not every step needs to be listed, the fact that you did complete said steps should be inherently apparent in the result.

    9. polarities,

      The following polarities he lists seem to be rooted in common desires and fears, or things which may be considered as part of an us vs. them mentality defining and separating groups of people into the haves and have nots of each listed duality. The biggest differences are not in what a person may believe about, but which they prioritize and how they react, and how each person uses these dualities to construct their own worldview and analyze their surroundings.

    10. etymological

      Etymomlogical means "relating to the origin and historical development of words and their meanings." from dictionary.com. So apparently this seeks to provide a historical or scientific approach to understanding the flow of language and analysis over time?

  4. Aug 2017
  5. spring2018.robinwharton.net spring2018.robinwharton.net
    1. writing constitutes analysis: we do not really see with clarity what we have not said that we have seen

      By being constrained by words and having to figure out which words suit the situation, tone, and meaning, we are forced to further analyze how we feel about something, and how it works in the context that is provided. As different languages have different words and connotations, there may be more appropriate phrases or more difficulty, giving a further avenue for observation and analysis of subject matters.

    2. Joseph Koerner, in arguing, here again in the case of visual images, that such description offers "the best access'' to experiencing an object with immediacy, notes that evocative description can "'register" the way an object "functions for one particular observer.

      When normally percieving a picture or an object, we form our own view base on our own collected memories and resultant perceptions. However, through a shared link, such as language, we are able to peek at other's perceptions and be influenced by their through processes, diluting our own thoughts with theirs and changing our thinking.

    3. Description and deduction

      Description and deduction are two sides of the same coin, one providing information in mass, while the other provides by lacking, the empty space and the filled areas contrasting each other and providing a deeper, more nuanced meaning. Although it may be possible to have discussions or interchange of ideas with only one, it is far more beneficial and intresting to have both.