3 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. a relaxed pedagogical setting suitable for educational risktaking (Solmaz, 2021

      Good stuff. Risk taking is part of learning right? What was that theory called? Productive Failure?

    2. However, reading in undergraduateclasses is often a solitary activity, done (or perhaps more often not done) prior to class. Ifstudents have not actively engaged with the reading materials prior to class time, the ensuingsynchronous class time discussion can be unproductive, with the instructor forced to lecture onmaterial that should have been learned prior to class or skip the planned content.

      Social annotation has also ties to flipped learning?

    3. We know that students benefit from social learning: collaboration can help students process andunderstand new information, see different perspectives, and create a community of learners.

      Looks like social annotation has a lot to do with connectivism. I wonder if in old times reading an annotated book was a primitive example of connectivist learning?