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  1. Feb 2017
    1. The preservation of open space is vital to the maintenance and effective functioning of a quality university learning environment

      This was the concluding statement in which the authors still wanted to stretch the idea of "open space" being important to students in universities. In my opinion, this article was beneficial to me and taught me a lot about spacial learning, how their designs are, and the backgrounds behind them.

    2. Americans expect a university campus to look different than other places (Gumprecht, 2007) and that the campus “expresses something about the quality of academic life, as well as its role as a citizen of the community in which it is located”

      Immediately I can strongly say that this can relate to Robert Rosenberger's article," How Cities Use Designs to Drive People Away"because of the campus "expresses something about the quality of academic life". This is similar to his article because he explained to his audience about "social roles." For instance, he stated that many people are unaware of these social roles, which can cause them to be blinded by many important things. With this being stated, "Recognizing Campus Landscape as Learning Spaces" by Kathleen Gscholl, and Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi, states that the campus expresses "something". This "something" can have a lot of social background that many may not be aware of just like the "social roles".

      Rosenberger, Robert. "How Cities Use Design to Drive Homeless People Away." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 19 June 2014. Web. 22 Feb. 2017.

    3. Everyday campus spaces include other physical design features empirically associated with attention restoration

      This can be related to Robert Roseberger's article, "How Cities Use Design to Drive Homeless People Away", because they are basing it off of a "design features" that may require the social role of association with attention restoration. People may or may not be aware of these but it clearly states here what the design is for.

      Rosenberger, Robert. "How Cities Use Design to Drive Homeless People Away." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 19 June 2014. Web. 22 Feb. 2017.

    4. Attention Restoration Theory (ART) centers on the internal and external influences affecting one’s cognitive ability and suggests that exposure to and interaction with nature has specific recovery effects on the human attentional system.

      With this being stated and with my prior research on this, is it possible for there to be too much of a focus on the environment/ nature. Could it disturb your previous knowledge or thinking?

    5. Attention Restoration Theory

      Attention Restoration Theory (ART) (Kaplan, 1989, 1995) is a suggestion that gives a mental fatigue feeling and concentration to increase by time that is spent looking at environments and nature. It is supposed propose an exposure to nature which helps for a more effortless brain functioning by decreasing attention capacity.

      Garside, Ruth, Dr. "Attention Restoration Theory: A Systematic Review | ECEHH." European Centre for Environment and Human Health | ECEHH. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2017.

    6. “that open space must be treated as a scarce resource”

      This quote instantly makes me think that universities want to have little space so they can include more buildings that will pertain to the school curriculum itself. I feel like universities are always trying to expand because of new technology coming into place and new material being taught in schools today. Therefore I feel like it is good to have a scarce amount of open space as long as it is beneficial to students.

    7. Unlike the classic designs of America’s first institutions, the physical campus of the land grant university was designed to significantly contribute to student learning through its working farms, forests, arboretums, greenhouses, gardens

      I am curious to know what some of the "classic designs of America's first institutions" looked like, so I decided to include a couple of pictures below:

      • This is Harvard University located in Massachusetts, which was established around 1636

      • The College of William and Mary, which was esatblished in 1693.

      And my question to this statement is if nature is supposed to have an affect on student learning? Does it help increase their thinking space?

      "10 of the Oldest Universities in the US." Top Universities. N.p., 30 Sept. 2016. Web. 24 Feb. 2017.

    8. The college experience is a stimulating and demanding time in a student’s life where a multitude of curricular and extra-curricular situations require frequent and heavy use of direct, focused attention and concentration (Wentworth & Middleton, 2014).

      Because I am a college student , I do agree with this statement. I notice that when Im more involved in clubs/sports and organizations my grades have a significant increase all because i'm more active in what I am doing. Not only that but there are so many organizations that are regards to actual school work that are basically getting you to do even more with your time. So in all honesty, I agree with this statement 100%.

    9. Recognizing Campus Landscapes as Learning Spaces

      Rosenberger, Robert. "How Cities Use Design to Drive Homeless People Away." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 19 June 2014. Web. 22 Feb. 2017.

      In this article, Robert Rosenberger talks about how how cities are using different architecture features around their towns to prevent homeless people from being there. For instance, there has been a a surprising and horrific idea that has surfaced the area of London, when regards to homeless people. Sometime around July 2014, an Instagram/Twitter photo had begun to splurge the internet. It was a picture of a London apartment complex that had a long chain of metal spike/studs that were built into the ground to prevent homeless people from sitting there and sleeping there over night. Luckily, many people did not agree with this new appearance. In fact, the mayor of London said it to be "ugly, self defeating & stupid".The spikes were later removed once a petiton almost reached 130,000 people. Even though many people agreed with this was a horrible and ugly act, many people are still blinded by the all over geographical anti-homeless acts around cities.

      Robert took it into to effect to show everyone that the spikes that appeared in London to prevent homeless people from sleeping there, was not the only thing how cities and towns use creative designs to prevent homeless people, or as he said are "homeless deterrent." Some of there designs include: benches with slats between them, or with very long armrests in between them. There also some benches that are made very uncomfortable so it can help prevent homeless people from staying their to long. Robert intended to use a good example about how people are not aware and are in fact blinded for the reason they were made in the first place. The example he uses is an example about skateboarders deterrents. He says that when people who do not skateboard have no idea that they walk past skateboard deterrents all the time. Another name for them is called "skatestoppers", which doesn't allow skateboarders to do tricks and slides across straight horizontal planes. Everyday people who do not skateboard do not notice these social roles of the deterrents, but skateboards do and are affected by them.

      Roberts knowledge about homeless people deterrents helps people understand how cities and towns are using designs to prevent homeless people. He made many people realize their actual social roles and how it is effecting the homeless. He ends his article questioning if people who now know about these other designs, if they will start to become more concerned and aware within the future.

    10. American higher education institutions face unique twenty-first century changes and challenges in providing good, holistic learning spaces for the diverse and evolving needs of today’s college student.

      This is the main argument or which seems to be their hypothesis when dealing with students and universities connections. It seems that that believe that they want college college students today have more and more access to different and unique learning environments. Making a change in higher educations to increase learning spaces and outcomes in college students will always be beneficial in my opinion because I feel that it is good to know what will and what will not work in evolving college students learning spaces.