4 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2016
    1. The problem lies in the fast and ever evolving nature of the digital world, where proper internet governance and policies for child protection are slow to catch up, rendering them ineffective.
    2. The way children use technology is very different from adults.

      This is not suprising. Children are not adults and have not fully developed the ability to interact in an environment mostly created and contolled by adults. In the past, we would not have let students go to a public library without training, guidance and supervision. Why would we expect sending them into an online environment to be different? The amount of support they need has not changed, it has just become more challenging to control in a less structured space.

    3. Recommendations of screen time from AAP

    4. achieve a healthy balance between life online and offline.

      This proves to be very difficult for my kiddos and son.