30 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2015
    1. “fast fashion”: identifying hot designer trends immediately, ordering up inexpensive copies and stocking their stores with the look-alikes, often within weeks of their runway debuts.

      Definition of fast fashion.

    2. These are not knockoffs in the traditional sense because no one is trying to pass them off as designer originals

      They're basically knockoffs, though. I guess people buy it because they are knockoffs.

    3. In April, a factory in Bangladesh involved in producing “fast fashion” collapsed, killing nearly 1,300 people and seriously injuring scores of others.
    4. You can’t convince someone anymore to spend $300 on a silk blouse if you don’t have it. You can’t re-convince an entire society that it’s okay to spend that kind of money on one item.

      Today, spending $300 on a shirt is ridiculous because why spend that much money on something when you can buy something similar at H&M or Zara.

    5. we aren’t really watching what is going on in those factories.”

      People have no idea about the poor working conditions in those factories, partly because we don't really care.

    6. the desire for what is current and on trend is not going to subside.

      Consumers will always want what's new.

    1. Firefighters set up memorials for their missing colleagues and paid their respects to the heroic acts of bravery displayed. Five firefighters who were missing were found alive and were taken to the hospital for treatment. Many other firefighters set up American flags and encouraged the nation to come together in its time of need.

      This is the greatest things that they should do!

    1. officers are not acting the way members of the military would. Pointing weapons at civilians

      In my opinion and many others, it's very stupid to point a loaded gun at a innocent civilian. And we especially shouldn't be giving such military based guns to police officers because they aren't trained like soldiers on how to used the automatic guns.

    2. combat veterans have since pointed out that the SWAT officers are more heavily armed and outfitted than they themselves were while patrolling the streets of Iraq or Afghanistan.

      This is also crazy that veterans say they had less protection in Iraq or Afghanistan during war than the police officers have here.

    3. seen law enforcement officials equipped with: short-barreled 5.56-mm rifles with high-powered scopes, six extra magazines, loaded with 30 rounds each, heavy body armor, military camouflage, and all of this riding around in armored trucks resembling mine-resistant vehicles used on the battlefield.

      This is way too much military equipment. A police officer isn't up agains a whole country fighting for their lives and their own country. A police officers is up agains those violating the laws. Police officers also aren't fighting anybody, unless needed to, but they are restoring peace among the country. They don't need all these bullets to take down hundreds of people if they are supposed to be providing peace.

    4. attempt to disperse the largely peaceful demonstrations organized to protest Brown's death.

      Wearing equipment suited for foreign battlefields while trying to stop the peaceful acts displayed for a teens death. This doesn't seem necessary at all and it causes people to become more upset and scared or threatened when they see the officers in this kind of apparel.

    5. According to some reports, upwards of 70 officers decked out not just in riot gear, but in equipment suited for foreign battlefields, took to the streets

      Why do the police officers have to be in equipment that is for foreign battlefield situations? Why do they even have access to it if they wont be in a situation in a foreign battlefield?

    6. Actual Military Veterans Say Cops In Ferguson Are Excessively Armed, Untrained Wannabes

      This title shows that the soldiers are upset with police militarization.

    1. Individuals must prove that they do not belong to any “prohibited group,” such as the mentally ill, criminals, children or those at high risk of committing violent crime, such as individuals with a police record of threatening the life of another.

      After all, what we need basically is no gun on dangerous people's hand. So, this might work.

    2. By contrast, restrictive gun licensing laws refer to a system in which individuals who want to purchase firearms must demonstrate to a licensing authority that they have valid reasons to get a gun – like using it on a shooting range or going hunting – and that they demonstrate “good character."

      This list an example that help me show restrictions on gun ownership work.

    3. In such a system, an individual does not have to justify purchasing a weapon; rather, the licensing authority has the burden of proof to deny gun acquisition.

      That's why people who should not have a gun but have it legally.

    1. To expend less energy.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      This is a poor excuse. One word can describe this. LAZY!

    2. To avoid revealing vulnerable emotions.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      If people are afraid to show their feelings to someone, texting will not help them to overcome that fear. I think that this will only make matters worse for the relationship.

    3. 7 percent through content of the message.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      This goes to show that our text messages are not even near being appropriate for communicating with others. There are some situations that texting is appropriate. Texting someone a friendly reminder would be an appropriate form of communication. Resolving a relationship issue via text would not be very appropriate or successful.

    4. human beings were designed to connect with each other on many different levels.

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      Rather than thinking solely of our own convenience, we should consider our other forms of communication that we can use. For example, instead of texting someone to ask them how their day is going, we could call them on the phone. Just by giving the audible sound of our vocal tone can show how interested we really are in the progress of their day.

    5. using text messages to discuss or argue about unresolved issues in their relationships

      Thesis: Communicating via text is a horrible way to converse due to the loss of tone and facial expressions. This leads to a simple misunderstanding of the author's intentions.

      I believe that this is an issue inside of a bigger issue. Due to the lack of complete knowledge of what the authors intentions are in a text message, we are left with only one option and that is to assume what the text message truly means. Now that most people text, the fact that we are assuming the authors intentions isn't even a part of our thought process.

    1. Since heat speeds the growth of bacteria (which are plenty happy to start feasting on you once your immune system is no longer a concern) the zombie's got a looming expiration date the very second it turns.

      In order for zombies to reign terror on humanity even for a short time, they have to be alive to keep from literally exploding from the heat.

    1. After enough exposure, a dead body is going to be frozen solid

      This is another reason why zombies would have to be alive in some way if an ongoing apocalypse were to ever occur.

    1. Not a single one of them requires the infected to get within biting distance to spread their infection

      This is a good point. It is much harder to spread a disease when its not airborne

    1. In school, students may be able to write a few paragraphs, but it takes time to write an essay that is longer than a page. If it is not done after school, it won't be done at all.

      I wonder why then in the standardized tests like the ISAT's or the 'extended responses' expected students to write at least a one page paper in less than an hour.

    2. A recent news article about the case against homework cited a high school teacher who said that she would tell her students to read no more than 15 minutes a day in their assigned novel (Jane Eyre). How stupid is that? How can anyone, young or old, get engaged in a novel if he or she spends no more than 15 minutes a day reading? At that pace, it seems like this class will be reading the same novel all year, if they manage to finish it at all.

      Because most of the students are most likely interesting in a different genre than "Jane Eyre". It's a slow paced novel based in a past time. Students want to read something current that relates to them.

    3. Critics call homework a form of child abuse and say that it prevents children from engaging in wholesome activities.

      They say that because it does. Children would much rather be out socializing than being stuck inside doing homework.

  2. Nov 2015
    1. This evidence points out that the aspect of community policing for the greater good of the community has been thrown out the window and a plan of controlling the lower class for the greater good of the rich instituted.

      This isn't right to do. Citizens of the community should come first.

    2. The police are supposed to serve and protect, not harm and punish.

      This is entirely true and stands behind my thesis well.