14 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2019
  2. v3.pebblepad.com.au v3.pebblepad.com.au
    1. Eyes

      Very interesting points made about the eyes of the skin. Like your point about how the eyes have become the listening.

    2. importance

      Great key notes about the reading. Interesting point you made about how building goes beyond the architecture. As a society we are stuck in this visual fantasy, we are designing for that perfect photograph.

    3. Memory

      Really interesting how your mum interprets the smell of cut grass. For me cut grass brings a memory of school holidays during summer, spending the day in the pool.

    1. Presentation

      An amazing presentation! love how you included the senses included in each space. Such a great and very creative design.

    2. THE

      Such a gorgeous layout! So easy to navigate and love the images you have included.

    1. This is a university portfolio for the course '3636QCA IDE 3'

      Love your layout! so eye catching and easy to navigate

    1. 3636QCA IDE3 The Eyes Of The Skin Reading notes <img src="https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/fs/1c3fbc77200125.5c9c45e0c9fb3.png" srcset="https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/disp/1c3fbc77200125.5c9c45e0c9fb3.png 600w,https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/max_1200/1c3fbc77200125.5c9c45e0c9fb3.png 1200w,https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/1400/1c3fbc77200125.5c9c45e0c9fb3.png 1400w,https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/fs/1c3fbc77200125.5c9c45e0c9fb3.png 1920w," sizes="(max-width: 1920px) 100vw, 1920px"> <div class="lightbox-caption lightbox-extra js-lightbox-caption"> <div class="rf-profile-item js-profile-item rf-profile-item--light"> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.behance.net/laylamackeed5d" class="rf-avatar js-avatar js-mini-profile" data-id="176721517"> <img src="https://a5.behance.net/3a5d854f4c3988dc7d090a71bdab6d8ebbe32d5d/img/profile/no-image-50.png?cb=264615658" srcset="https://a5.behance.net/3a5d854f4c3988dc7d090a71bdab6d8ebbe32d5d/img/profile/no-image-50.png?cb=264615658, https://a5.behance.net/3a5d854f4c3988dc7d090a71bdab6d8ebbe32d5d/img/profile/no-image-115.png?cb=264615658 2x" class="rf-avatar__image js-avatar__image"> </a> <div class="rf-profile-item__info"> <a target="_blank" class="rf-profile-item__name js-mini-profile" href="https://www.behance.net/laylamackeed5d" data-id="176721517" data-from="lightbox"> Layla Mackenzie </a> <a target="_blank" class="rf-profile-item__location beicons-pre beicons-pre-location" href="/search?content=users&amp;sort=appreciations&amp;country=AU&amp;city=">Australia</a> </div> <div class="js-action-follow form-button-wrap rf-button__container rf-button__container--follow follow-button-container rf-button__container--follow-link" data-followee="176721517" data-entity="user" data-following="false" data-display-name="Layla Mackenzie" > <a class="js-form-button-follow rf-button--small rf-button rf-button--follow"><span class="rf-button__label">Follow</span></a> <a class="rf-button--small rf-button rf-button--secondary rf-button--following"><span class="rf-button__label">Following</span></a> <a class="js-form-button-unfollow rf-button--small rf-button rf-button--danger rf-button--unfollow"><span class="rf-button__label">Unfollow</span></a> </div> </div> </div>

      Great in-depth notes about eyes of the skin. Great layout as well, very easy to read and understand.

  3. Mar 2019

      Really like that you have included definitions! extremely helpful, never thought of adding definitions to my blog, great idea.

  4. www.behance.net www.behance.net
    1. Habitus:

      Very in-depth and insightful! Love the images as well, great visual representation of your text. Keep up the great work

    1. W E E K  1

      Love the layout! Very visually appealing and easy to clarify what you are wanting to portray. Couldn't fault