4 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2019
    1. “I hereby Give you my word, my solemn promise, that The son born to Satyavati shall be king. I Renounce my right and claim as yuvaraja”

      Bhishma's action reflect the core of Hinduism, getting rid of our vanities and connecting more with the spiritual world. Bhishma teaches us about the abounding flaws of humanity and the ways we can rise above them. Bhishma shows us that we can live a fulfilling life if we abandon our mundane habits. It also teaches us that love can blind us and that good deed are always rewarded. CC BY-NC-ND .

    2. Two sons were born Of Satyavati to Santanu. When the king died, They ascended the throne one after another. Bhishma kept the vow throughout his life.

      Because of his many virtues and sacrifices, Bhishma was and continues to be a role model in Indian culture. The story of Bhishma narrated in the epic of Mahabharata , the most influential book in hinduism; reflects an idealized version of the male. He is Kind, cares about others and kept his word until his final breath even after the sons of Satyavati were born which is more amazing.

    3. The king could Never  imagine what a great sacrifice his son Had made for his sake.

      Bhishma's weakness is his love for his father. He gave up all carnal desires and right to the throne for the lust of Shantanu, which place into perspective this noble action. As a result of his vow he puts at risk the future of his beloved empire, goes against his beliefs and is forced to do things that he knew were wrong. CC BY-NC-ND

    4. “I vow that  I  shall Never marry and I shall always be a celibate.” When he uttered these words of resolve, Which echoed through space, gods from Above showered  flowers on his head and Cries of  “Bhishma”, “Bhishma” filled the air. For, such terrible sacrifice was very unusual. Bhisma means one who takes a terrible vow And fulfills it.

      Devavrata become Bhishma because of his promise of celibacy. Bhishma was such a good son that he did not only gave up his rightful throne but also the right to have family and carnal pleasure. This in what makes Bhishma a hero. CC BY-NC-ND