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  1. Oct 2016
  2. techwritingf16.robinwharton.net techwritingf16.robinwharton.net
    1. With the first notion dispelled, that women do not contribute significantly to science and technology, we turn to the second assumption, that men's and women's experiences of technology are identical, thus relegating women to inferior technological roles. Addressing this second assum ption—that women's traditional work is not technological — involves a different strategy: departing from conventional history to challenge existing definition, seeking "a new narrative" that focuses "on the causal role played by women in their history and on the qualities of women's experience that sharply distinguish it from men's experience (Scott 20). Men's and women's experiences of technol­ogy are quite different.

      We start to move from the idea that women's place is in the kitchen and taking care of children to women actually being users of technology. This relates to the Pimental article, because women like minorities are often left out of the technical world because of the lack of research.

    2. While it is true that we have yet to agree upon what constitutes modern technical writing, popular definitions often exhibit either or both of two key characteristics: first, a close relationship (in subject matter or func­tion) to technology; and second, an understanding that technical writing is associated with work and the workplace.

      So far we have only looked at the definition of tech communication, as a type of communication that is lingusitic, visual, auditory, etc., with having the end users needs as the end goal. Technical writing is, at the end of the day, about work and workplace, two things that women have been excluded from which is another reason why women have been absent in the world of technical writing.

    3. The problem with regard to adding women to our disciplinary history lies in the assumption that technology, work, and workplace are gender-neutral terms, and that addressing gender and the history of technical communica­tion is a simple matter of searching the annals of science and industry and tacking on articles about a few women who have distinguished themselves in scientific, medical, and technical fields.

      We should acknowledge the fact that technology, work and work place are not gender neutral terms because for so long it has excluded women.