1 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2022
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So don’t try to keep the notes too short — be generous in the way you elaborate and find the length that feels good for you.
Taken in stride with "Literature Notes should be written in your own words", I wonder if bullet points are sufficient.
Bullet point thoughts are the easiest point of entry in an outliner like Roam. But there is a cognitive benefit to putting things into complete sentences, and I could see that a re-usable, prose-ready literature note could be just as valuable as a permanent note (providing you can cite the lit note, of course).
This is why I think the Beau Haan Zettelkasten technique of creating a "thumbnail" summary on the parent block is a good fit with literature notes. You do all the messy "thinking through writing work" below, but leave the top block as something more cohesive.