3 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
  2. dry-bush-6487.fly.storage.tigris.dev dry-bush-6487.fly.storage.tigris.dev
    1. The question, of course, is how the individual got to be inthis "social rOle", and how the particular social organisation(with its property-rights and structure of authority)· got to. bethere. And these are historical questions. If we stop history at agiven point, then there are no classes but simply a multitude ofindividuals with a multitude of experiences. But if we watchthese men over an adequate period of social change, we observepatterns in their relationships� their ideas, and their institutions.Class is defined by men as they live their own history, and, in theend, this is its only definition.
    2. But a similar error is committed daily on the other side ofthe ideological divide. In one form, this is a plain negative.Since the crude notion of class attributed to Marx can befaulted without difficulty, it is assumed that any notion ofclass is a pejorative theoretical construct, imposed upon theevidence.It is denied that class has happened at all. In anotherform, and by a curious inversion, it is possible to pass from adynamic to a static view of class. "It"-the working classexists, and can be defined with some accuracy as a componentof the social structure. Class-consciousness, however, is a badthing, invented by displaced intellectuals, since everythingwhich disturbs the harmonious co-existence of groups performing different "social roles" (and which thereby retardseconomic growth) is to be deplored as an "unjustified disturbance-symptom".1 The problem is to determine how best"it" can be conditioned to accept its social role, and how itsgrievances may best be "handled and channelled"

      Esta es la entelequia que asumen muchos que hablan de "odio de clases". Tal cual sigue existiendo esta tendencia, por lo general promovida por políticos de derecha y repetida por otros.

    3. By class I understand an historical phenomenon, unifying anumber of disparate and seemingly unconnected events, bothin the raw material of experience and in consciousness. Iemphasise that it is an historical phenomenon. i: do not seeclass as a "structure", nor ev�n as a " category", but as something which in fact happens (and can be shown to havehappened) in human relationships.