3 Matching Annotations
- May 2024
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
hat an architecture of engagement has beenintentionally created for the course and that the use ofactive learning strategies is intended to assure a highquality, transformative educational experience equivalent orgreater to face-to-face learning experiences,
I like that we are encouraged to explain purpose of course activities.
How often do students need to log in to participate?• How much time should they set aside weekly to spend oncoursework?• Is the course entirely asynchronous, or are theresynchronous activities? If there are synchronousactivities, are they optional or required?• Which tools in the learning management system (LMS)will be used?• Where should students look for updates and breakingnews about the course (e.g., announcements, emailmessages, discussion forums)?• How is the course structured (e.g., by week or module, byproject milestone)?• What does a typical week’s or unit’s work entail in thecourse?• Are any external tools or digital courseware required? Ifso, how should students register?• What are the major assessments in the course, andwhen during the semester do they take place? If thereare papers or long-term projects, what are the majormilestones?• Where can students find important due dates?• If there are exams, are there proctoring requirements?• Are there any unusual requirements that require advancecoordination or travel, such as group work, field trips,observations, or interviews
Course orientation questions
the rubric also requires that certifiedcourses include an introduction for learners that explainsthe purpose and structure of the course, including “how thelearning process is structured and carried out, includingcourse schedule, delivery modalities (online or blended),modes of communication, types of learning activities, andhow learning will be assessed” (p. 8).
Course orientation