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- Sep 2020
kwokchain.com kwokchain.com
By bringing both designers and non-designers alike into Figma, they create a cross-side network effect. In a direct network effect, a homogenous group gets more value from a product as more of them join. In contrast, a cross-side network effect involves two (or more) distinct groups that grow in size and value as the other group does, too. Figma’s cross-side network effect between designers and non-designers is one of the primary and under-appreciated sources of their compounding success over the last few years. As more designers use Figma, they pull in the non-designers they work with. Similarly, as these non-designers use Figma, they encourage the other designers they work with to use Figma. It’s a virtuous circle and a powerful compounding loop.
By bringing non-designers into the design process, Figma created cross-side network effects for itself.
Where typically the designers would get their designer peers to use the tools they're excited about, now non-designers would experience the value and recommend Figma to designers and non-designers alike.