- Sep 2019
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
We need to make a big impression on parents, amazethem, convince them that what we are doing is some-thing extremely important for their children and forthem, that we are producing and working with chil-dren to understand their intelligence and their intelli-gences.
Documentation is a great tool for communicating with parents what, how, and why there children are engaging with potentially risky and controversial materials or actions. If we can display the children as responsible learners, with teachers who are attentive and supportive, parents may be more open to the unconventional aspects of play and exploration.
This statement highlights the importance of intentional "scaffolding" and allowing children to be uncomfortable and in a state of dissonance when discovering something new or taking on a challenge.
This theory within you pushes you to behave incertain ways; it orients you as you talk to the child,listen to the child, observe the child
It has been interesting to observe how my image of the child has changed through my knowledge of ECE and how quick I am to notice other people's view of children when in public based on how their interact with or make presumptions about children, whether verbal or non-verbal. How would a societal shift to viewing children as competent and capable change the way they are treated on a daily basis by both family and members of the community?