12 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. In spaces like r/Teachers on Reddit, educators have shared hundreds of stories about the moniker taking over classrooms.

      This is very interesting to hear that there are hundreds of stories about children in classrooms using the word "chat." I believe it though because my little sisters are gen alpha and are always using this phrase along with others. It is funny to their generation but can be confusing to others. It i crazy how different generations come up with their own slangs and pretty much everyone follows it.

    2. “I see so many things that be making me want to scream,” she said. “I don’t know, chat.”

      This comment is very much our generation! It is funny to see it written out because it is usually said in person. The word "chat" is new because of chatGPT and is being made into a joke. It is interesting to see how language transforms as new technology develops - it influences our vocabulary and our conversations.

    1. Memes and niche vocabulary become a form of cultural currency, fueling their proliferation.

      This is fascinating to me how a certain generation can develop its own, new trends. Memes are a major part of our generation! They are a fun way to lighten up a conversation or to just make someone laugh. It is interesting to see the differences between generations and trends.

    2. The internet has transformed how Gen Z communicates. Our language is built on memes and a collective sense of wry existentialism, with our humor often turning dark or potentially dangerous,

      This is an interesting perspective! Our generation definitely has its own language because of technology, especially in text. There are definitely things that can come off as mean or even dangerous when it comes to our slang. This is eye opening and a good thing to be cautious about when sending texts or posting things.

    1. In 2001, a number of Affrilachian poets – including Walker, Kelly Norman Ellis, Crystal Wilkinson, Ricardo Nazario y Colon, Gerald Coleman, Paul C. Taylor and Shanna Smith – were the subjects of the documentary

      This phrase shows that Walker's piece was successful. He was able to reduce the poor, white stereotype and forge a new path for Black artists in the Appalachian. It is inspiring how many people are successful because of this change. People try to break stereotypes and embrace diversity every day, so it is rewarding to see when it actually works.

    2. Rather than accepting the single story of Appalachia as white and poor, Walker wrote a new one, forging a path for Black Appalachian artists.

      This phrase shows Walker's contribution to redefining the Appalachian story. It talks about taking a single story about white, poor people in Appalachia and turning it into one about Black Appalachia Artists. It challenges the typical stereotype, promotes diversity and equality, and attempts to reshape the way our world views Appalachia.

  2. Feb 2025
    1. I suddenly saw details in contrast and became proud of my heritage. I grew tomatoes on the fire escape because it connected me to my Granny, whose tomatoes were a month ahead and a foot taller. As distance helped me understand what it meant to be from the mountains, I began to deeply miss them.

      This section describes how strong connections to home can be. This is interesting to be because growing up somewhere can make it hard to leave or branch out because of the sense of comfort the area brings. She mentions that she is proud of her heritage, and when she moves away, she finds herself incorporating old traditions into her new life because she is so deeply rooted. Her Grandma clearly means a lot to her if she continues her traditions. This just shows how culture and tradition are very important in some people's lives.

    2. I knew that I was a mountain girl. My family had been in Haywood County for generations and one branch of my family tree started or stopped – depending on your perspective – when the Cherokee were marched through.

      This phrase highlights the author's deep connection to the Appalachians. She explains that this area is important to her due to her family lineage and history. The phrase "depending on your perspective" shows that history and identity are not always straightforward and other people have different opinions and views on things based on where they are from.

    1. These stereotypes have become so pervasive that they’ll occur in nearly every portrayal of Appalachia.

      This sentence shows the true extent of how much Appalachia is stereotyped. The word persuasive implies that the stereotypes are widespread and unavoidable. This shows that stereotypes will occur in cultures, media, and performances as they are commonly believed. This phrase is an eye-opener in the way that people will almost always believe everything they hear, even if it is exaggerated or inaccurate.

    2. One pattern of language variation that has existed in English since its beginning in A.D. 449 is the fluctuation between “were” and “was.” The variation of “we was” and “we were” is widespread in English today

      This phrase highlights an important part of linguistics in America. Switching between were and was has been happening for a long time. This just shows how English has changed and developed over the course of time. The variations still occur today, and it further shows the difference between dialects in different cultures and regions.

  3. Jan 2025
    1. Our language feels ‘normal’ only until you get a sense of what normal really is.

      I find this sentence very interesting! It is hard to see beyond our "normal" when it comes to language. Seeing another language would definitely flip my perspective of what normal really is because our language is filled with slang and grammatically incorrect phrases!

    2. We can only imagine what kind of German most of us would speak if this was how we had to learn it, never seeing it written down, and with a great deal more on our plates (butchering animals, people and so on) than just working on our accents

      This sentence really makes me think about how hard it would be to have to learn a brand new language in these conditions! It is easy to forget how hard it is to learn a new skill since most people have learned English from a young age and never really had the challenge of mastering a new language. There are a lot of details that go into different languages!