3 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. the poppies blow Between the crosses,

      There is a hidden dichotomy between the poppies and the crosses. The poppies are very lively, bold flower especially when there are a lot of them accumulated within one area. However, the crosses are a very somber symbol that indicates death. This could also attribute to the hope: despite the death and destruction, there will be beauty and goodness coming from it

    2. Between the crosses, row on row,     That mark our place; and in the sky     The larks, still bravely singing, fly

      Here, there is a distinct separation between the sky (where the larks are) and the below the ground (the crosses imply the Dead). The separation between the two indicates the two sides of the war: loss of hope and the gain of hope. The loss of hope lies directly with the crosses, but the singly larks are up in the sky, flying. Where everyone else is at this moment is in the middle ground where their opinions can fall either way.

    1. torch

      The torch not only symbolizes the passing of responsibility to the next group of soldiers, but also a symbol of life and death. Fire is typically a symbol of life, so those who passed in the battle no longer has the light, but their death can give motivation and, therefore, life to the next.