2 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2017
bigstory.ap.org bigstory.ap.org
criminal history as proof that he was a bad actor
As a student recently wrote in a brainstorm of questions, "Why are people judged by what they were?" https://www.instagram.com/p/86A-X7OmNX/?taken-by=paulrallison That's something else going from a "criminal history" to a trait: "bad actor." Maybe he was unlucky enough to not be able to escape the criminal justice system. Maybe he was a good person who had something terrible follow him.
- Nov 2015
bigstory.ap.org bigstory.ap.org
they contend he was reaching for an officer's gun when he was shot.
Okay, he was either reaching for a gun or he was handcuffed. How does a reporter merely report this without pointing out that this is clearly NOT what many witnesses said happened. And I would assume that she did follow-up interviews with quoting these eye-witnesses. what did these "union reps" have to say about why their story is so different?