9 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. Lol seriously? How serendipitous I came across your channel then. Yes I am in the Scheper tribe, but I am not active as much over there--as well as the fact that I do not pay for the newsletter anymore due to finances.

      Reply to LibraryLin

    2. @productivity6693  Hi There! I don't have a community for myself, but I am in Scott Schepler's Antinet Zettelkasten community. Are you there as well?

      Interesting. LibraryLin is a Scheperian as well.

    1. ( ~8:00 )

      This explanation of why to read books in a certain order in dependency of each other is analogous to why a Zettelkasten (in Luhmannian sense) cannot be used collaboratively.

      In order for someone else to understand your notes (not meant to be published), they would have to understand both the source text you are referencing and the implicit references you make. Things you understand instinctively and do not need to write down.

      Because others do not have your experiences and worldview, it is more difficult for them, perhaps impossible, to completely comprehend your Zettels, your notes.

  2. Jul 2024
    1. ( ~ 10:45)

      This is basically layered learning and making use of the creation of prior knowledge.

    2. (~10:00)

      It's not just about your domain knowledge on a subject, it's also about your reading skill in general and how difficult a book is written.

    3. This video tells me I need to spend more time actually reflecting on the table of contents and title. As well as with the pigeonholing; classify in the mind in what categories this book falls.

    4. ( ~1:55)

      Interesting sentiment. Library Lin supposes that most people who do not like reading don't like it because of bad reading habits and that when they improve on their reading habits, they will start liking it.

    5. Off-topic, I love this woman's accent.