- Feb 2019
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historical circumstances dctennine the characteristics and purposes of social institutions and individual actions
Cf. Rickert's rhetorics
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This section brings to mind Rickert's rhetorics.
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different countries and re-mote ages, wherein the speakers and writers had very different notions, tempers, customs, orna-ments, and figures of speech, &c., every one of which influenced the signification of their words
Brings to mind Rickert's rhetorics and Siegert's cultural techniques
- Jan 2019
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Lanham says, "The Strong Defense assumes that truth is determined by social dramas, some more formal than others but all man-made. Rhetoric in such a world is not ornamental but determinative, essentially creative" (156). If that defense is not just restricted to "man-made" social dramas but cultural dramas, to dramas rooted in a particular historical and cultural context (joining Rickert's sense of rhetorics), then it can also be opened up to material forces beyond the human.
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a set of technologically inter-linkedmaterial culture
This resonates with many of the other articles: Rickert's materialist rhetorics, Barad's materiality, ...
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material forms.
Placing rhetorics in a realm beyond the typical verbal/written/oral/aural.