- Sep 2024
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The Flea is the title and the central metaphor of the poem.
Except in that drop which it sucked from thee?
Another rhetorical question here that implies an irrational concern
Wherein could this flea guilty be
Rhetorical Question - implying that her concerns are irrational.
Donne uses a lot of religious imagery throughout as well, this is one of a few instances.
The flea being able to "enjoy" something is a use of personification from Donne. Donne writes as though the flea can have a human like emotion in this case.
killing three
Hyperbole here as Donne exaggerates the significance of the flea, emphasizing the point that their sexual union would be a great loss or sin
Let not to that, self-murder added be
Subtle pun - Donne refers to the woman's rejection as a form of self-murder, suggesting that by denying him, she is harming herself.
marriage bed,
symbolism for sex
marriage temple
another example of symbolism for sex