4 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2019
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Many of these metro areas are characterized by low densities and a separation of residential and business construction that forces homes out into the suburbs where transit is either spotty or non-existent. That makes cars necessary for even the most mundane trips.
cause of problem
The reason is a mix of topography and public policy.
possible cause of transit problem
Today, many regions have cheap gas, easy-come auto loans, Uber, Lyft, and now a new breed of bike- and scooter-share. So transit users aren’t riding like they used to.
what caused this problem/source neither agrees nor disagrees, hence the "Don't Blame Uber" in the title
Americans are getting even more into cars. More survey respondents said they had full-time car access today than did two years ago, 54 percent compared with 43 percent. Similarly, the number of respondents who said they didn’t have access to a car decreased, from 27 percent to 21 percent.
background/what caused this problem