4 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2020
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
You can use --save-dev if you don't need to run npm in production, e.g. if you're making a web frontend.
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
Please also make sure svelte is installed as a devDependency and not an actual dependency. Svelte itself should never be bundled with your application code.
flaviocopes.com flaviocopes.com
dependencies are the packages your project depends on. devDependencies are the packages that are needed during the development phase. Say a testing framework like Jest or other utilities like Babel or ESLint.
github.com github.com
Having the bundler config bundle dev deps and leave prod deps as external seems to be the sanest thing it could default to, and I don't see us wanting to change that.