- Jan 2022
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Children construct intuitive theories of the world and alter and revise those theories as the result of new evidence.
A very sophisticated way to say that kids make things up as they go along! Perhaps the authors' surprise comes from the fact that adults are not so different?
There seems to be more agreement than not with Bada & Olusegun (2015) regarding the overall value of constructivism. However, it's unclear if the Piagetian-dismissing authors of Reconstructing constructivism would agree with constructivism as explained by Bada and Olusegun.
In my experience as a First-Year Composition educator, I can say that students value the process of active learning far more than, say, formulaic, fill-in-the-blank assignments. Perhaps this is because there's more recursive inquiry and metacognition in active, process-oriented learning that reflects the theory theory?
- Apr 2021
januaryedtechmusings.blogspot.com januaryedtechmusings.blogspot.com
In other words, they learn by experience.
This is a really interesting point and harkens back to Jean Piaget.