2 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. 6 gallons a day? Ive never seen a plant that big in person lmao

      demineralization (reverse osmosis) creates lots of waste water.<br /> most tap water has a too high EC (electrical conductivity) value.<br /> this not only applies to hydro growing, but also to growing in earth.<br /> if you dont demin your source water, you have to give more water to the plants,<br /> so the extra water (waste water) can remove salts from the grow medium...<br /> all of this would be SO much simpler with outdoor growing in a good climate.

    2. yeah. indoor growing only makes sense when its illegal.<br /> they should simply import weed from tropical climates (mexico, africa, ...).<br /> imagine we would have indoor grow of exotic fruits (bananas, coconuts, ...). absurd!