8 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2020
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
One of Svelte's advantages, for me, is that I can test out ideas with relatively few lines of code. the #with feature could save me from adding a separate component for the content of an #each loop. I get frustrated when I have to create a new file, move the content of the #each clause, import it as a component, and add attributes and create exports for that, and implement events to send messages back, and event handlers, when I just wanted to test a small feature.
inline components, await...then, and each blocks are the exact use case where I want this.
We are very close to full inline components (with css, js logic, and templates).
Taking all three of today's proposals (#32 #33 #34) together it would become theoretically possible to make an entire application in a single file which is the complete opposite direction of what Svelte has been so far.
That wouldn't be so bad, to have that flexibility...
It would give the power that is available in JSX (like inline anonymous components), to Svelte, which those coming from JSX would appreciate.
are much better to read and write as inline anonymous templates, not components
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
In some frameworks, a module can contain multiple components, some of which need not be exported (and are therefore effectively private). In Svelte, there is a strict one-component-per-file rule. This is nice and simple to understand and explain (not to mention implement), but it does have drawbacks. Users sometimes complain that it causes a proliferation of .svelte files, many of which contain very simple components that would be better declared inline.