6 Matching Annotations
- May 2023
cholesterolcode.com cholesterolcode.com
when the animal is prevented from making insulin the ability to develop atherosclerosis appears to cease, or is significantly lessened 14. On the flip side, once exogenous insulin is introduced into the pseudo-diabetic animals, they appear to develop atherosclerosis “normally” 15, and in the case of the dog study, it appears to only develop atherosclerosis in the arteries in which they were injected with insulin.16
Example of direct link between insulin and atherosclerosis
- Aug 2022
www.dietdoctor.com www.dietdoctor.com
Metabolic risk factors
Should we include these studies or just the ones in the heart section
Heart disease
Need to use all these studies
www.dietdoctor.com www.dietdoctor.com
However, there was one exception, the same as in many earlier studies. LDL cholesterol went up a little bit on average.
22 of 26 markers of cardiovascular disease risk improved in their patients, many quite significantly.