3 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2022
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
Of course, training and supervisionhelped users learning the general techniques for hypermedia authoring, but they tended to avoid(or lose interest in) the more sophisticated formalisms
What affordances were they given in exchange for the formalisms?
Many times he struggled to create a title for his note; heoften claimed that the most difficult aspect of this task was thinking of good titles
Avoid requiring canonical naming
This level of formalization enablesthe system to apply knowledge-based reasoning techniques to support users by performing taskssuch as automated diagnosis, configuration, or planning.
What I'm getting so far is that the formalization is what gives the users affordances to certain features. I'd imagine sophisticated data mining techniques (such as text-search, classification, etc) can alleviate this partially but is always going to be useful. It would be beneficial to opt into the formalism explicitly for the affordances and maintain bidirectional linking between non-formalized representations. In other words, you want the ability to create a formalized view.