5 Matching Annotations
- Dec 2022
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The survey was conducted using surveymonkey.comand primary data were downloaded by DSRA. Thestatistical analyses, including a principal componentsanalysis, were done with SPSS.
What benefits do teachers attribute to theirparticipation in mobile laboratory programs? Do teachers perceive that the mobile laboratoryexperience has an impact on student learning,student attitudes, and student behaviors? If so, whatis the impact?
mostly teacher focused questions
would need to explain why I'm looking at teacher's experiences first
acquiring true control groups and she indicated that much ofthe feedback tended to be anecdotal and somewhat irregula
eval and feedback is difficult as no true opportunity for control groups, and feedback is often anecdotal and irregular
However, mobile laboratory programs aredesigned to do much more than provide equipment andsupplies. The value added by these programs stems fromaccess to engaging, substantive, and thought-provokinginquiry experiences for students and teachers. These includea range of laboratory experiences that involve studentscarrying out carefully specified procedures to verifyestablished scientific knowledge as well as experiences thatengage students in formulating questions, designinginvestigations, and creating and revising explanatory models[3]. Most mobile laboratory experiences for students rangefrom one to four days of laboratory-based activities thatsupplement required curricula. The flexibility of the mobilelaboratory format allows teachers to customize the time anddepth of the experience to the needs of their students andschool schedule. For example, some teachers opt to haveseveral classes work on the mobile laboratory duringregularly scheduled class periods for four or five days whileother teachers choose an in house field trip format thatallows the students to work on an investigation for the entireschool day. Mobile laboratory programs provideappropriately configured space, state-of-the-art equipment,and pedagogically-rich curricular materials, as well asprofessional staff who work with classroom teachers tocreate meaningful science explorations. The combination offacilities, staff, supplies, and materials enable mobilelaboratories to deliver outstanding laboratory learningexperiences for students and unique professionaldevelopment opportunities for teachers.
it's not just the tools, it's the time, meaningful connections, and PD for teachers
These“vehicles” may pique the curiosity of students andmotivate them to continue their study of science in highschool and beyond. As such, mobile science laboratoriesmay contribute to increasing the number of studentswho become science-literate citizens and members of thescience workforce