2 Matching Annotations
- Nov 2023
developers.google.com developers.google.com
To mitigate this latency issue, the buttons are rendered in 2 steps, as follows:
- Apr 2020
security.googleblog.com security.googleblog.com
Our approach strikes a balance between privacy, computation overhead, and network latency. While single-party private information retrieval (PIR) and 1-out-of-N oblivious transfer solve some of our requirements, the communication overhead involved for a database of over 4 billion records is presently intractable. Alternatively, k-party PIR and hardware enclaves present efficient alternatives, but they require user trust in schemes that are not widely deployed yet in practice. For k-party PIR, there is a risk of collusion; for enclaves, there is a risk of hardware vulnerabilities and side-channels.