1 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2020
> (square: (x: y: square x + square y) 3 7) (x: x*x)58
This can be written up in many other forms, plus the possibility of currying deserves to be pointed out:
$ nix repl nix-repl> (sq: (x: y: sq y + sq x) 2 7) (x: x*x) 53 nix-repl> (sq: (x: y: sq y + sq x)) (x: x*x) «lambda @ (string):1:11» nix-repl> (sq: (x: y: sq y + sq x)) (x: x*x) 2 «lambda @ (string):1:14» nix-repl> (sq: (x: y: sq y + sq x)) (x: x*x) 2 7 53 nix-repl> (sq: x: y: sq y + sq x) (x: x*x) 2 7 53