9 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Free/Open Licenses Non-free Licenses
- Feb 2021
opensource.stackexchange.com opensource.stackexchange.com
- Jul 2020
www.howtogeek.com www.howtogeek.com
This isn’t an accident. OpenOffice’s sidebar code was copied and incorporated into LibreOffice. The Apache OpenOffice project uses the Apache License, while the LibreOffice uses a dual LGPLv3 / MPL license. The practical result is LibreOffice can take OpenOffice’s code and incorporate it into LibreOffice — the licenses are compatible. On the other hand, LibreOffice has some features — like font embedding — that don’t appear in OpenOffice. This is because the two different licenses only allow a one-way transfer of code. LibreOffice can incorporate OpenOffice’s code, but OpenOffice can’t incorporate LibreOffice’s code. This is the result of the different licenses the projects chose.
What part of LGPLv3 / MPL prevents LibreOffice code from being incorporated back into OpenOffice's Apache Licensed code??
choosealicense.com choosealicense.com
- Nov 2019
github.com github.com
Because of the support we've received from open source communities, we've decided to dual-license the code after 18 months
Interesting licensing solution/choice...
- Aug 2019
certificates.creativecommons.org certificates.creativecommons.org
I found this blog post by David Wiley very honest and interesting, seeing as though we didn’t talk about ‘before Creative Commons’ at all in this course. While we most likely don’t have time in the course and didn’t really need to talk about the before CC, it’s really intriguing to see that people were talking about the foundations of CC already back in 1998 and that the bones of CC were already there.