3 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2020
    1. If your package.json file also has a module field, ES-module-aware tools like Rollup and webpack 2+ will import the ES module version directly.
  2. Dec 2019
    1. Neutrino only babel-compiles first party source (the JSX -> JS transformation is handled by a babel plugin). It does this because even when using the module entry in package.json, it's expected that the provided file (and it's imports) still be JS and not in some other format - ie: the only difference from the content in main should be that it can use modules syntax (that is import and export rather than require etc).

      module version compared to main version:

      only difference from the content in main should be that it can use modules syntax (that is import and export rather than require etc).

      You can see the difference in this example: https://unpkg.com/browse/reactstrap@8.0.1/es/Alert.js ("module": "es/index.js": import) vs. https://unpkg.com/browse/reactstrap@8.0.1/lib/Alert.js ("main": "lib/index.js": require)