2 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2018
    1. 49-50<br> George Polya<br>Most famous for his classical problem book (known as Polya-Szego), he is also revered as the godfather of combinatorics.

      L. J. Mordell and Gabor Szego<br>Speaking of Szego, here he is (right). Mordell was a great number theorist, known for, among other things, the deep conjecture (related to Fermat's last "theorem") that was proved by Falting (#579) in 1983.


    1. 577-578<br> J. E. Taylor<br>Jean, another Council shot, works on minimal surfaces; she has been known to talk about soap bubbles, of course, and crystals too.

      R. A. Askey<br>I caught Dick during a Bloomington visit in March 1984. Hist specialty is special functions, such as ultraspherical polynomials and Jocobi polynomials; a part of his work was involved in de Branges' solution of the Bieberbach conjecture.
