2 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2023
    1. Good protocols learn, grow, and mature in ways that catalyze thoughtful stewardship and sustained generativity.

      Very important! Need room for growth.

      Also aligns with the continuation desire of play (properties of play) and tendency to change the rules when it becomes too stressful or boring (in the flow channel)

    2. built around default expectations of obviously worse outcomes dominating obviously better ones, and worst-case behaviors driving systemic outcomes.

      this feels immediately like it might hold some water, not sure if because it's similar to entropy or because of... Not sure whether to trust feelings of agreement This is an interesting statement to me. Perhaps it's because it seems to bridge between catastrophising (which is arguable pathological), and risk management (which acknowledges there is infinite down side and limited upside) Also wonder how trust factors into this and context?

      Concern here is: using emotion to get logical buy in, which is fair, but worth knowing that this is a feels like not an is

      Wonder if this might also relate to play and the 3Cs