- May 2020
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
""Long before the pandemic, I had reduced the value of midterms and final exams to 30% of the grade in an online versions of a science course, with formative quizzing, discussion fora, short writing assignments, exam-style essay questions and a one or more short (2-6 page) essays making up 70%. The only difference between this and a blended version of the course was that online discussion fora were reduced to a no credit chat function, and that classroom discussions were prompted by clicker questions and a few collaborative short writing assignments on index cards. I even gave credit small credit for for bringing in questions at the start of class that led to students engaging with each other at the start of class. I gave online formative objective quizzes and at least a few summative exams online in both versions of the class. To minimize cheating, online quiz and exam questions chosen were pulled from topic-specific question banks and then randomized by the LMS; even the responses to MC questions were randomized where possible. To maximize learning and reduce stress, I timed the assessments to allow at lest 2 minutes per questions and explicitly told students that he quizzes and exams were open book and collaborative; also, students could take the quizzes twice and get the higher of the scores. I usually gave the final exam in class, in which case the only stress-reducers were a 10%-of-grade valuation and 2 minutes per question (essay questions had already been done online). In all cases, students needing extra time got it.
I am retired and was not forced by COVID-19 to teach online. I'd like to think that my colleagues will undertake deliberate course redesign during quieter times, just for pedagogic reasons. Those of us who enjoy F2F teaching (I, for one) will then be prepared to move their classes online as an expedient and not a jaw-dropping challenge during a future grand disruption of life... even including 'timed exams'""
president.columbia.edu president.columbia.edu
Our primary goal must be to create as rich an academic experience as possible, in whatever form that will take, while preparing to bring us back together at the earliest feasible moment. No doubt social distancing techniques will be with us for some time, which, of course, complicates the logistics of the return. Taking these and other factors into account, we have made one key decision: to prepare to use the three upcoming academic terms—fall 2020, spring 2021, and summer 2021—as a unit of time in order to provide us with the greatest amount of flexibility in organizing our educational experiences. By leveraging a longer period of time, we will be able to de-densify our campus so that all students may experience much, if not most, of their coursework in person over the arc of the three terms. While this is just the beginning of a University-wide effort to determine the specifics of the academic year, we now have the capacity to tap into the rich expertise and creativity of our University leaders and faculty to shape the substance and content of this one-time arrangement. By July 1, Ira Katznelson, our spectacular deans, and I will have more details to share about how the three terms will be composed.
eğitimi üç döneme yayarak kampüs yoğunluğunu azaltmak ve öğrencilerin kendilerine zaman ayırmalarını sağlamak
www.centre.edu www.centre.edu
The unique approach divides the normal academic term of 13 weeks and four courses into two blocks of two courses, each six weeks plus two days long.
dividing committees into online and on campus small segments and condensing to make more time available to students
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
The course, Jones said, covered disease and widespread death and family separation. “And all of a sudden, here we were living amidst a worldwide pandemic,
important also for med students
Jones did make one change, adding a question that asked students to reflect on their experience during the pandemic, and how it will shape their approach to studying family history.
reflection questiğon about pandemic could be important for med students and may change their approach to exam and honor code also. people who think they have a free will, act more ethical compared to who doesn't.
That was Jen Heemstra’s experience. Heemstra, an associate professor in chemistry at Emory University, was already giving open-book, open-note exams. That practice stems from her conviction that the skill students will really need is accessing and applying information, not memorizing it. This semester, she and her co-instructor took an additional step: giving students more time.
online exams open book
The course’s final should take students about an hour, but the instructors will give them 48 hours to complete it.