4 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2020
Vertical navigation needs to scroll and “stick” to the screen so that users don’t lose it. Often vertical navigation works well on a single page design
With wider screens, the scroll is higher and some navigation elements might get “lost.”
One thing is certain when it comes to navigation trends, users and designers seem to be fed up with completely hidden styles and demand options that work in similar formats on desktops and mobile devices. This might be one of the reasons a vertical pattern is trending.
The common theme is that many hamburger icons open into vertical sliding navigation.
- avoid the need to rewrite for different contexts/platforms
- avoid duplication
- app design: navigation: side navigation
- visual design: designing for small screens
- navigation: side navigation (vertical navigation)
- mobile-first
- visual design: designing for different screen sizes
- cross-platform
- mobile app