3 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2017
olcc.ccce.divched.org olcc.ccce.divched.org
ANalytical Data Interchange (ANDI)
Is this type of file recently developed? I have not ever seen this one as the save option in our UALR Agilent GC-MS
<request string="arsinic acid" representation="names"> <data id="1" resolver="name_by_opsin" notation="arsinic acid"> <item id="1" classification="pubchem_iupac_name">arsinic acid</item> <item id="2" classification="pubchem_substance_synonym">CHEBI:29840</item> <item id="3" classification="pubchem_substance_synonym">HAsH2O2</item> <item id="4" classification="pubchem_substance_synonym">[AsH2O(OH)]</item> <item id="5" classification="pubchem_substance_synonym">arsinic acid</item> <item id="6" classification="pubchem_substance_synonym">dihydridohydroxidooxidoarsenic</item> </data> </request>
How can you pull this string of data? is it from inspection option on the browser? what type of file is this?
europepmc.org europepmc.org
The metadata, data, comments and any processing errors are stored in an array in PHP and then converted to XML and saved. Figures 4 and and55 show a comparison of the original JCAMP file (e.g. “../spectra/view/000000115/JCAMP”) and JCAMP saved in XML (e.g. “../spectra/view/000000115/XML”).
this is to show you something