2 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2018
    1. Itbecameobviousthat,regardlessofthephysiologicalactivitiesinvolved,stimuliandresponseswereoftenassociatedinadefiniteandopenlyobservablecause-effectsequence.

      Vargas (2013, p. 21) defines "a cause of behavior is a condition or event on which that behavior depends". Vargas later states that "all students come into class with patterns of behavior that have been established by a lifetime of past experiences, including experiences at home. But what any student continues to do or begins to do differently in the classroom depends upon the contingencies set up within that environment (p. 31)<br> The students who come to our ABA clinic come to us with a variety of past experiences and treatment programs. Our programs are set up in a way that contingencies for reinforcement are spelled out very specifically. We control the students' environment to use cause-effect sequences to teach our students coping behaviors. In a clinical setting, the students are worked with in a one-on-one environment. Our goal is to be able to transfer our students back into their school environment. This transition back into their home school is a challenging issue. How can we help set up classroom environments to meet the needs of our students when moving to an environment of 20-30 students? What can we do as an ABA clinic to prepare our students to succeed in this new environment? We do set up the programs in a way where our students are given scenarios that challenge their behavioral responses to issues they will face. These cause and effect sequences are extremely important in developing the skills necessary to succeed outside of a clinical setting. It will still be challenging for our students as we can't incorporate all of what they may experience when they leave us, but as Vargas pointed out, the contingencies that are set up in a classroom has a great impact on how the classroom will operate.

      Vargas, J. S. (2009). Behavior analysis for effective teaching. New York, NY, US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

  2. Aug 2017