10 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2016
    1. “One of the deepest tenets of conservatism is wanting things to stay the same. If that is true, I am certainly no longer conservative,” LaPolice wrote.

      I think this is a good point. Being on the conservative side of the spectrum does not mean you have to align with every single belief. While I also believe this is a point that needs to be made to people on the liberal side of the spectrum, this issue needs to be addressed as a unified people; and that means no parties.

    2. “Their country is being destroyed by despotic leaders and terrorists and, frankly, the international community has failed them,” Albright said.

      Something needs to be done to distinguish the good people of Syria and the terrorist group know as ISIS. Millions of people have lost their homes, and have done nothing wrong. Yet, many of them are not being aloud to start a new life. These are human beings, and they have the same rights as the rest of us to have an opportunity for a good life.

    3. Islamic State on Nov. 13 in Paris left 130 people dead. Though it remains unclear whether any Syrian refugees took part in the attacks, conservative politicians on both sides of the Atlantic have called for restrictions on the resettlement of refugees in the weeks since.

      This is a real problem. Countries whom the Islamic State is targeting are also being called to help the Syrian refugees. Almost all Syrian refugees are not participating in acts of terrorism, and the attacks are unlikely in comparison to their numbers. However, the possibility of even one terrorist is a serious issue. This attack in Paris is a perfect example.

    4. U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp has opposed President Barack Obama’s goal to resettle 10,000 refugees since September, suggesting in a tweet Sept. 14 that some of the refugees will be “radical Muslims who want to wage jihad.”

      This is the claim of this article and also the problem most people have about letting in Syrian refugees. This is certainly a potential threat, but I would like to see more research into the number of Syrian refugees who wage Jihad; and how many of those people were background checked.

    5. Differing shades of conservative on Syrian refugee issue in western Kansas

      Wingerter, Justin. "Differing shades of conservative on Syrian refugee issue in western Kansas." The Topeka Capital Journal. 23 November. 2015. Web. 11 October. 2016.

  2. Mar 2016
    1. GloFish are the first transgenic animals available to the American public. But what's the biotechnology behind them?

      Pray, L. (2008) Recombinant DNA technology and transgenic animals. Nature Education 1(1):51

    2. hormones that were once isolated only in small amounts from human cadavers can now be mass-produced by genetically engineered cells

      What are the ethics behind this? Once again are we taking the role of God a little too far? However, if their practical benefits outweigh the consequence, would it be worth it then?

    3. Currently, GloFish are the only recombinant-DNA animal that has been approved for human "use" by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Their approval has raised important questions about whether, and to what extent, genetically modified animals should be made available to consumers.

      Why would they not want them to be available to the general public? I feel as if, when there are more people being able to look and study them, only more knowledge will come of it.

    4. A transgenic, or genetically modified, organism is one that has been altered through recombinant DNA technology, which involves either the combining of DNA from different genomes or the insertion of foreign DNA into a genome

      Could we be able to recombine plant genes with an animal or vis versa? Would this be taking the role of playing God too far?

    5. Leslie Pray, Ph.D. 

      The author of this article, Doctor Leslie Pray, proves the credibility of her article by citing and referring to scientific articles. Her doctorate give not only her but also her writing credibility.