7 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2025
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Hans morgentau he wrote in the 1940s that uh about this warning a caution if you will that if if uh we see the world as being countries with national interest we create peace 00:25:51 through uh come Mutual um Mutual understanding and compromise but he warned about uh the dangerous morality as it could fuel this Crusader missions in which if it's good versus evil peace 00:26:04 is not created through mutual understanding you don't understand the evil instead you defeat it so peace is created when good defeats evil as uh compromising with evil is effectively 00:26:15 appeasement
Realpolitik eplained by Hans Morgenthau, a major 20th-century political scientist who studied international relations.
- Sep 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Col legno
tap the string with the wooden part of the bow
- Aug 2021
PERSONAL EXAMPLE:I once became aware a founder of a gaming company with a multi-billion dollar exit now invests in startups through a fund. After some research, it turned out some of those investments were into startups in my company’s section of the gaming market. There was a clear common ground, so I reached out.
Example of common interests
- Sep 2019
outline.com outline.com
Lloyd Blankfein, until recently the CEO of Goldman Sachs, counseled, “Study the humanities. Know how people think, know how the cycles work, know the lessons of history.” Jeff Weiner, the CEO of LinkedIn, insists that the most important skills gap in America is not coding; the gap is in “soft skills” like writing, persuasion, and leadership.
The skills that matter
An Oxford University study on the vulnerability of different jobs to automation, the largest on the topic, concluded that students who want to prosper in the future must travel against the prevailing ideological winds—that is, they will have to “acquire creative and social skills.”25
Critical thinking, innovative thinking, creative thinking
he theory of relativity, calculus, even the physics of a bridge—these are deemed valuable not for helping us reach the good, the true, and the beautiful, but only insofar as they give us GPS satellites, efficient insurance pricing, and interstate highways—and even then, only if the latter public goods are mediated by private profits.
I don't totally agree with this, but the statement "the good, the true, and the beautiful" is an important part of flourishing.
in many public school districts we have already traded our collective birthright, the promise of human flourishing, for a mess of utilitarian pottage called “job skills.”
This is a most important statement. Education as a promise or pathway to human flourishing. (Use in talk for COLL