12 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. musing

      a period of reflection or thought

    2. trod

      walked down in a specified way

    3. bawling

      crying noisily

    4. devout

      having or showing deep religious feeling or commitment

    5. seldom

      rarely, infrequently

    6. betel

      an Asian evergreen climbing plant that when chewed, causes the saliva to go red and the teeth to go black

    7. maidens

      unmarried young women

    8. dismal

      depressing, gloomy

    9. caterwauling

      to make a shrill howl, like a cat

    10. banks of mud

      a quagmire, a band of mud partially submerged

    11. weary

      tired, exhausted

    12. parson

      A beneficed member of the clergy ; a clergyman (especially in a protestant church)