2 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2021
    1. assessment of pain, function, and psychosocial context.

      Psychosocial: many patients will have exacerbation of symptoms due to psychosocial stressors. It is important to figure these out and try to work on them with patients through non pharmacological approaches. Also, there is high prevalence of interpersonal stress conditions in these patients. Keep these in mind. Function: useful to set treatment goals; assess function physically (activities, sports, hobbies), mentally (mood, cognition, school), and socially (relationships).

  2. Jun 2019
    1. SCN, hippocam-pus, piriform cortex, and cerebellum (Figure 2 and datanot shown). Lower levels ofmPer3RNA were detectedin neocortex. The sense (control) riboprobe had a repro-ducible, robust, anatomically specific pattern of hybrid-ization that did not overlap with the antisense probe.Specifically, the sense probe labeled the supraoptic andparaventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus (

      The paraventricular axis is interesting and could relate to chronic pain. It also has some linkage to schizophrenia and possibly low latent inhibition, IIRC. yes.It is the area I thought. How very curious. The pain drug developed in the 70's was Thalidomide, a disaster in Britain as the Ramones sang about and the American doctor who stopped it recieved a Presidential medal and was then tasked with reforming our system of clinical trials that we use today. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31009420