6 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
    1. I think this is one of those situations where it's easy to confuse “familiar” with “simple”. You're probably much more comfortable with min-width than flex-shrink, but that doesn't mean flex-shrink is more complicated!
  2. Jan 2019
  3. Jun 2018
    1. f no flex-basis is specified, then the flex-basis falls back to the item’s width property. If no width is specified, then the flex-basis falls back to the computed width of the item’s contents.

      key point!

  4. Oct 2016
  5. Mar 2016
    1. <!-- flex item: anonymous block box around inline content --> anonymous item 3

      In this case, text nodes inside a flex element will automatically be wrapped in a block box, so:

      <div style="display:flex">Some text</div>

      Is the same as writing

      <div style="display:flex"><div>Some text</div></div>
  6. Feb 2016