5 Matching Annotations
- Jul 2016
www.haleycristea.com www.haleycristea.com
Can you identify these next 6 films?
I heart #6 - Run Lola Run! You have excellent taste in movies
Can you identify these 6 films?
Ok, I'm going to try a few 1) I'm hoping that's from 5th Element - Bruce Willis shouldn't do his hair that way too often... 3) The Mummy 4) Clue I don't have guesses on the others!
www.haleycristea.com www.haleycristea.com
I also participated in the Annotation Flash Mob
Yay! I think it's such an interesting experience. Even if it isn't someone's "thing," it's a really great way of seeing the different ways a tool can be used.
perform research to check the facts of the speech
I love this idea. I'm sure I can work it into something for the library...
I think most people do think that online learning becomes a lone activity, but it doesn’t have to be
I would be sad trying to learn all by myself on the internet! Our networks (and cohorts:-)) are important in helping us shape and test our learning and knowledge. We push each other to greater heights!