- May 2022
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
DICER1 syndrome is an autosomal-dominant, pleiotropic, tumor-predisposition disorder arising from pathogenic germline variants in DICER1, which encodes an endoribonuclease integral to processing microRNAs (1).
Gene Name: DICER1 PMCID: PMC5443331 PMID: 28323992 HGNCID: not found Inheritance Pattern: autosomal dominant Disease Entity: thyroid cancer and familial multinodular doiter Mutation: germline loss-of-function mutation Zygosity: not provided Variant: c.1870C>T; p.Arg624a, c.1870C>T; p.Arg624a, c.1870C>T; p.Arg624a, c.1870C>T; p.Arg624a, c.3726C>A; p.Tyr1242a, c.3675C>G; p.Tyr1225a, c.3675C>G; p.Tyr1225a Family Information: 145 individuals with a DICER1 germline mutation and 135 controls from 48 families Case: family members used; both males and females used and no significant differences seen among sex; ages range from 20-40 with carriers being significantly younger than controls; no significant differences seen among ethnicity but participants located from the US, UK, and Great Britain CasePresentingHPOs: thyroid cancer or MNG diagnosis common to those with a DICER! mutation but with no chemotherapy or radiation treatment yet CasePreviousTesting: tested levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyroxine, thyroxine-binding globulin, and serum albumin; thyroid palpation; thyroid ultrasound; Sanger or next-generation sequencing assays gnomAD: n/a Mutation Type: missense
- InheritancePattern:autosomaldominant
- HGNCID:notfound
- PMID:28323992
- Variant: c.1870C>T; p.Arg624a, c.1870C>T; p.Arg624a, c.1870C>T; p.Arg624a, c.1870C>T; p.Arg624a, c.3726C>A; p.Tyr1242a, c.3675C>G; p.Tyr1225a, c.3675C>G; p.Tyr1225a
- FamilyInformation:145individualswithaDICER1germlinemutationand135controlsfrom48families
- Gene:DICER1
- MutationType:missense
- PMCID:PMC5443331
- Mutation:germlineloss-of-functionmutation
- Zygosity:notprovided
- DiseaseEntity:thyroidcancerandfamilialmultinodulardoiter
- Jul 2021
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
PatientID: None
KindredID: 1
Case: Sex Unknown, Age Unknown, Ethnicity Unknown
DiseaseAssertion: Adrenal pheochromocytoma
FamilyInfo: The proband was part of a cohort of apparently sporadic cases of pheochromocytoma/ paraganglioma, implying this individual had no family history of VHL disease or pheochromocytoma.
CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0006748 (Adrenal Pheochromocytoma)
CaseHPOFreeText: N/A
CaseNotHPOs: HP:0002668 (Paraganglioma)
CaseNotHPOFreeText: N/A
CasePreviousTesting: RET, SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD
PreviouslyPublished: N/A
SupplementalData: N/A
Variant: ex. p.R161Q (c.482G>A)
LegacyVariant: N/A
CaseProblemVariantFreeText: N/A
ClinVarID: ex. 182983, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/variation/182983/
gnomAD: N/A
VariantEvidence: N/A
MutationType: missense_variant;transition
CivicName: R161Q(c.482G>A)
MultipleGeneVariants: N/A
- Mutation:Germline
- ClinVarID:182983
- ProteinPosition:161
- AssumedRefSeq:NM_000551.3
- cDNAposition:482
- DiseaseEntity:adrenalpheochromocytoma
- AminoAcidChange:ARGtoGLN
- ClinVarID:Yes
- InheritancePattern:AutosomalDominant
- NonFamilial
- MutationType:missense_variant;transition
- CivicName:R161Q(c.482G>A)
- Jan 2021
www.ahajournals.org www.ahajournals.org
CaseAJV: 17 years diagnosis, Australia
DiseaseAssertion: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
FamilyInfo: Father (index case) died awaiting cardiac transplant (carried both variants). Two possibly affected relatives.
CasePresentingHPOs: HP:0001639, HP:0006536
(Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Obstructive lung disease)
HPOsFreeText: Maximum left ventricular hypertrophy at 17 mm, Sudden cardiac death event at 17 years, Maximal wall thickness at 22mm,
CaseNotHPOs: N/A
NotHPOsFreeText: N/A
CasePreviousTesting: See Table 1
CaseGenotypingMethod: DNA was isolated from peripheral blood. Most participants underwent testing from the Illumina Cardiomyopathy Sequencing Panel, which includes 46 cardiomyopathy related genes. For others, whole exome sequencing or Sanger squencing was used. After the results were returned, variants were filtered for pathogenicity and rarity.
Variant:NM_000257.3:c.1954A>G (p.Arg652Gly)
ClinVarID:177626 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/variation/177626/
gnomAD: Not in gnomAD
Multiple Gene Variants:
MYBPC3 Variant
Variant: NM_000256.3:c.2980C>T (p.Leu994Phe)
ClinVarID:180992 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/variation/180992/
gnomAD: European (Non-Finnish) 1.624e-4, Overall 8.461e-5 https://gnomad.broadinstitute.org/variant/11-47355487-G-A