9 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2019
    1. SPACIAL PLANNING AND CONCEPT <img src="https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/max_3840/794dc277568951.5cc042ea01500.jpeg" srcset="https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/disp/794dc277568951.5cc042ea01500.jpeg 600w,https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/max_1200/794dc277568951.5cc042ea01500.jpeg 1200w,https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/1400/794dc277568951.5cc042ea01500.jpeg 1400w,https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/fs/794dc277568951.5cc042ea01500.jpeg 1920w,https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/2800/794dc277568951.5cc042ea01500.jpeg 2800w,https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/max_3840/794dc277568951.5cc042ea01500.jpeg 3508w," sizes="(max-width: 3508px) 100vw, 3508px"> <div class="lightbox-caption lightbox-extra js-lightbox-caption"> <div class="rf-profile-item js-profile-item rf-profile-item--light"> <a target="_blank" href="https://www.behance.net/Marlene98m09b7" class="rf-avatar js-avatar js-mini-profile" data-id="78652373"> <img src="https://a5.behance.net/6b96ce900bf306d706ddec6141fc762db308e6f5/img/profile/no-image-50.png?cb=264615658" srcset="https://a5.behance.net/6b96ce900bf306d706ddec6141fc762db308e6f5/img/profile/no-image-50.png?cb=264615658, https://a5.behance.net/6b96ce900bf306d706ddec6141fc762db308e6f5/img/profile/no-image-115.png?cb=264615658 2x" class="rf-avatar__image js-avatar__image"> </a> <div class="rf-profile-item__info"> <a target="_blank" class="rf-profile-item__name js-mini-profile" href="https://www.behance.net/Marlene98m09b7" data-id="78652373" data-from="lightbox"> Marlene Morales </a> <a target="_blank" class="rf-profile-item__location beicons-pre beicons-pre-location" href="/search?content=users&amp;sort=appreciations&amp;country=AU&amp;city=">Australia</a> </div> <div class="js-action-follow form-button-wrap rf-button__container rf-button__container--follow follow-button-container rf-button__container--follow-link" data-followee="78652373" data-entity="user" data-following="false" data-display-name="Marlene Morales" > <a class="js-form-button-follow rf-button--small rf-button rf-button--follow"><span class="rf-button__label">Follow</span></a> <a class="rf-button--small rf-button rf-button--secondary rf-button--following"><span class="rf-button__label">Following</span></a> <a class="js-form-button-unfollow rf-button--small rf-button rf-button--danger rf-button--unfollow"><span class="rf-button__label">Unfollow</span></a> </div> </div> </div>

      Really great blog- your research is really informative too. Your initial concepts and zoning of the spaces looks great too and you can clearly see how your research has informed your design outcome- overall, great work! looking forward to seeing your final concept.

    1. Key Information from Visit

      Great blog. It is clear that you have done a lot of research and it is well laid out in your blog. The information from your site visit is really informative too - thank you for sharing this with everyone! You have also shown a really in-depth & thought out approach to your design and I am looking forward to seeing your final outcome. Great work

  2. www.behance.net www.behance.net
    1. WEEK 1

      Your blog provides a great understanding of the lecture content. However the hand written notes are a little hard to read. I think by typing a summation of your notes and adding some visual imagery would really strengthen your blog. Nice work

    1. sketch

      Really great blog! It is well put together and easy to navigate. Your initial floorplan sketch is great and i think that your research of spaces and inclusive design shines through in this. The reading area is also really great and a strong focal point for the centre. Looking forward to seeing your final concept. Nice work

  3. www.behance.net www.behance.net
    1. great blog and layout. your notes are easy to read and visually quite effective. I had some trouble annotating on specific pages however will be great to see how your research has informed your design and some concepts you put together. I also think some imagery or hand sketches would strength your blog too

  4. www.behance.net www.behance.net
    1. Research - Designing for Intellectual Disabilities:

      really great research here and interesting findings especially surrounding way finding. some interesting concepts here that i think you could draw upon to create a really great space - i think including some imagery in your blog under your research would strength this too

    2. were due.

      great blog and the text size is large to make it easy to read- really insightful presentation

    1. Collective

      I like how you have colour co-ordinated your space for zoning, I am looking forward to seeing your final concept

    2. designe

      really easy to read blog! the research you have done has provided a great basis for you to create a really interesting space.