8 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2021
    1. Transparent data access

      JavaScript Proxies enable LDflex processors to translate path expressions to SPARQL queries and resolve them through a query engine (e.g. Comunica)

      await [https://julianrojas.org/#me].name
      SELECT ?name WHERE {
        <https://julianrojas.org/#me> <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name> ?name.
    2. Support for data writing

      LDflex allows for writing/updating knowledge graphs that support SPARQL UPDATE operations such as SPARQL endpoints and Solid pods.

      For example this expression:

      await [https://julianrojas.solid.org/profile/#me].add('foaf:givenName' , 'Julian');

      Will be translated to this SPARQL UPDATE query:

          <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/givenName> "Julian".
    3. How does it work? Thanks to JSON-LD contexts and JavaScript Proxies we can treat Linked Data graphs as local objects The await keyword allows waiting for remote HTTP requests
    4. Traverse Linked Data as JS objects

      await [https://julianrojas.org/#me].name // "Julián Rojas"
      await [https://julianrojas.org/#me].friends.name // ["Ruben Verborgh", "Ruben Taelman", ...]