- Feb 2020
marxdown.github.io marxdown.github.io
"The Levellers were a political movement during the English Civil War (1642–1651) committed to popular sovereignty, extended suffrage, equality before the law and religious tolerance. The hallmark of Leveller thought was its populism, as shown by its emphasis on equal natural rights, and their practice of reaching the public through pamphlets, petitions and vocal appeals to the crowd.[1]
The Levellers came to prominence at the end of the First English Civil War (1642–46) and were most influential before the start of the Second Civil War (1648–49). Leveller views and support were found in the populace of the City of London and in some regiments in the New Model Army. Their ideas were presented in their manifesto "Agreement of the People". In contrast to the Diggers, the Levellers opposed common ownership, except in cases of mutual agreement of the property owners." ("Levellers," from Wikipedia)
- Oct 2018
explorecommonsense.com explorecommonsense.com
Norman yoke
The "Norman yoke" was a term English nationalists in the middle of the 17th century used to describe oppressive elements of feudalism introduced by William the Conqueror.