8 Matching Annotations
- Feb 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
There was no reason for me to assume that I would receive a predictable or personally meaningless answer.
He received a meanifully personal answer
the behavioral urge had manifested itself in explicit knowledge—had been translated from emotion and image to concrete realization—and had no further “reason” to exist.
Emotional translation to Knowledge evaporated the sudden urges to actuate the emotion.
Will this be true for say GOOD emotions in a good cause.
My concern with the general social and political insanity and evil of the world—sublimated by temporary infatuation with utopian socialism and political machination—returned with a vengeance.
JB's concern with political insanity is an added parameter. It does not seem to agree with his strongly held belief of the value given to commodities by individual, social or cutural entities.
I could not believe (and still do not) that commodities—“natural resources,” for example—had intrinsic and self-evident value. In the absence of such value, the worth of things had to be socially or culturally (or even individually) determine
What is the name given for the JP belief that natural commodities value is to be socially deteremined?
- Jan 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I became aware of the existential problems that accompany maturity. The final consequences of that lack took years to become fully manifest
Are they common to all human beings - "existentional problems"
Did my act of rebellion upset me, personally? Only in a manner I was not able to perceive, until many years late
Must connect with the future if available in the book
a general problem
what is a general problem and how does it assimilate the whole of a person
Something we cannot see protects us from something we do not understand.
Why would the source of culture need to protect us from its very source?